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Thursday, February 4, 2010

I'm an author!

So, a lot of my colleagues are these smarty types who publish actual medical articles about actual medical problems. I read their stuff and they sound so smart! I never have really wanted to publish that sort of stuff because I really don't have the time to put into it to make it as good as I would want. But I was asked a few months ago to write an article for a physician magazine called Unique Opportunities. They said I could write about anything I wanted...but I had no idea what I wanted to write about. Then one day I was asking for something- I don't even remember what it was- and it occurred to me that I ask for stuff all the time and I've started to look at negotiating as a sort of game. So that's what I wrote about. I told someone at work about it and got asked to talk to the civilian personnel about the same topic at their luncheon. It was fun!

Check out the article at this website. I'm not really sure how to operate the online reader thing, but if you go to the bottom tool bar and click the 2nd one over (download pdf), then search to page 62 (which is really page 60), you'll see the article there.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Awesome article, Leslie! :)

Flounder said...

great article rock!!!!