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Monday, May 17, 2010

Raised by Wolves

OK.  I just do not see how hard it is to clean up after yourself, to think about other people, to think that people might be sleeping and maybe you should close the door quietly.    We live in tight quarters here.  In the dorm rooms, there are 6-7 people to a room.  Luckily, I have a room by myself, though!  But my troops are 6-7 to a room in the dorms.  There are 4 sinks and 4 toilets that are shared by 50-60 people.  All of our water is trucked in, as there are no sewers or water pipes here.  We take 3 minute showers so that everyone has hot water.  People work all kinds of shifts and there are day sleepers mixed in with night sleepers.   Even if you are a night sleeper, you may still be asleep at 0630-0730 when the night shift is coming home.  So answer me this!  How come people can’t figure out how to close a door quietly, flush a toilet, follow simple instructions to make sure the toilet stops running, wipe down the sink, get their disgusting hair out of the shower, and wipe their tooth paste spots off the faucet?!?!?!     GAH-ROSS!!!! 

There are signs up in the bathrooms explaining how to pull the cord and then jiggle the cord to stop the water running.  I know because I do it to AT LEAST one toilet EVERY SINGLE TIME I got to the bathroom!  It is completely disgusting that I wash my hands or brush my teeth in a sink where there are toothpaste spots all over the faucet.  Hair in the shower.  I just cannot get over the fact that people cannot figure out that they are not the only ones who use these facilities.  There are signs asking people to wipe down the sink and faucet.  About 1 in 10 does, I think.

And where do I place the blame?  On the mothers.  It’s a mother’s job to make sure her kids know how to keep things clean and to think of others (OK, it’s the dad’s job to make sure boys know how to hold doors for women!).  But it’s the mom’s job to make sure kids do their chores, to check behind them and to make sure they are doing them right.  It’s the mom’s job to help kids realize they are not the only ones in the world and to help kids see the world from other people’s eyes.  Think about who might be sleeping when you slam that door or who might be coming behind you and using that sink.  And in my opinion, there are a whole bunch of mothers out there who have not done their jobs with the women who live in my building!!  They've been raised by wolves.

OK.  I’m done. 


Unknown said...

So...what you're saying is that Remus and Romulus were messy?

Hairpin said...

I know how to lift the toilet seat and put it back down afterwards. I'll teach Aloysius how to do that.
I'll make a point to teach him to clean up the toothpaste spots after he gets teeth.
Thanks for the heads up. Father's can help raise the kids too you know!

AFDr.Mom said...

Eric- of course men can raise kids! But my instinct is to blame the mother if they are messy. Yup- it's a sexist generalization (I know PLENTY of messy moms- but I blame THEIR moms!!), but that's how I feel. And it's my blog. So there.