OK- I just have to talk about this one because it is driving me crazy and it's getting worse by the week.
I cannot figure out why people these days can't seem to get the possessives and contractions correct. There is a huge difference between your and you're, between it's and its, between there and their and between numerous other homonyms. I think that's what they're called. Hey! there's another one!
I see a lot of stuff written by a lot of smart people that gets this wrong all the time. And I see my daughter do it on Facebook and emails (her typing is atrocious and she doesn't care, but typos are a different story. These things are not typos.) My husband does it on emails. he says it's a typo, but it's not. "Adn" is a typo. I make it all the the time. "To" instead of "too" is not usually a typo. I see it on documents at work as well. Another common one I see at work is the possessive apostrophe in the wrong place- "patient's" when it's plural and "patients' " is correct.
Are the schools not teaching this properly anymore? Do people just not care? When I see these kind of mistakes, I think it makes people look ignorant. If you know what it's supposed to be, then do it right. What is the world coming to? Am I doomed to see this carelessness more and more and be driven even more crazy as the years pass? Should I just let it go? What?!?!
What is your pet grammar peeve? I have WAY more than this one, but this is the one that has been driving me crazy lately.
Leslie: when it come too homonym's I belief inn the "dont' ask, dont tale" theery! Their our tuns of peeple who knot only cant, spel butt have know idear aboot punctiality ? Yew will jest half two learn how too deal wiff it !!
Stay safe
BAHA! You make me laugh! I've gotten some Facebook posts and some emails about this topic. i think I am one of the last people to care.
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