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Monday, December 27, 2010

wonderful Holidays!

I know I have been a lazy turd lately and not updating the way I should.  I have been super busy and there's no excuse except that I have not had much time to actually think.  And when I don;t think, I don;t blog!
I have spent the last 4 days doing nothing but laying around.  We drove down to the parents' house on Friday and then spent Saturday opening gifts and playing with our new toys.  My brother is here as well and we are just enjoying doing absolutely nothing.  Sometimes I feel like I ought to be doing something, but then I remember that I do something all the time.  Well, I am determined to remember how to relax.  It is so wonderful to just hang out, watch movies, talk and be together.  I'll have a few days at home when we get there to do more of the same.  Will have to take down the Christmas decorations and put the house back together, but that will be OK.

We are also enjoying eating all our favorites- toll house cookies, pumpkin pie, mince meat pie, pecan pie, brownies, fudge, ham, sweet potatoes, dressing and all kinds of yummy stuff!!!!   I've also been keeping up with my training so hopefully the pounds will not pack on too badly.  The nutrition portion will have to have to wait until January!