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Friday, August 31, 2012

Power- 2nd Order Effects

Written Wednesday, 29 Aug.

Well, I am three days into being a group commander and I am already
seeing how hard people will work to make me happy and just how dangerous
that could be.  Case in point.  We had a staff meeting on Monday and I
noticed there was no clock in the front of the room where I could see it.  I
hate to check my watch in front of people. I like to be more subtle than
that.  But I want to be efficient and respect people's time.  There was a
digital clock on the wall behind me that everyone else could see, but I had
nothing.  So, I simply asked the squadron commander responsible for that
function to have the clock moved from the back of the room to the front.

Today, two facilities guys come to my office and ask me where I want the
clocks.  CLOCKS??  As in pleural?  OMG.  I walk with them and it turns out
that they had three new clocks, plus the old clock and they were
specifically told to make sure the clocks had sweeping second hands and not
ticking ones.  REALLY?  I couldn't care less about sweeping or ticking!  I
just need a @&*^% clock in the front of the room!!!!  We settled on two
analog clocks with sweeping second hands that matched- one in the front and
one in the back.  Wow.

It reminds me of a story that I read several years ago told by a famous
woman- I want to say it was Hillary Clinton, but I could be wrong.  Anyway,
she happened to mention that she liked Diet Dr Pepper.  She said that from
then on, all of her fridges in every hotel around the world were stocked
with Diet Dr Pepper.  She said, "What if I want a Coke?"  It was a big
lesson for her in the power of her position and how much people paid
attention to her and tried so hard to please her.  It's a lesson I've never
forgotten either since I read it.

And today that lesson hit home again.  It pains me to think that people care
whether I want a clock to tick or to sweep.  And that they actually spend
extra time making that happen.

Now, if I can just get them to make my picture on the web at least half the
size it is now.  Good Lord, it's ginormous right now.

Friday Update- my photo was changed the next day- the Sergeant told me she thought I wanted it that big the first time, but couldn't tell me where on Earth she got that idea. Wow again. 

flat tax

So I'm sitting in the DMV and I'm hearing a good argument for a flat tax. The guy in front of me tells the lady next to me that he only works three weeks per month so that he can stay below the income level that would trigger taxes. The lady beside me has a relative that drives a truck. He on works nine months a year so he doesn't trigger taxes. That amazes me. I truly believe that everyone should pay something. Maybe zero if you are below the poverty line pn aid, then 5%, then 10%: then 15% for the rest of us. We paid 17% last year. Is want very few deductions...maybe charity and home ownership. But this system of providing tax breaks for every little thing the government wants to subsidize has to stop. Apparently a flat tac would put these people to work all year, increase the national productivity, and broaden the tax base. And everyone would have skin in the game.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

First week of my new adventure

Three days ago I packed up 3500 pounds of stuff that I thought I might need for the next year on my own in New Mexico and two days ago the whole family set out from San Antonio to Holloman Air Force Base.  Two days from now I will take over as the commander of the 49th medical group at Holloman.  It was completely unexpected and at first was completely unwelcome.  The oldest will be starting her senior year and we just didn't want to move her.  So the husband and three kids will be staying in SanAntonio for the first year and I'll be here.  In one way, it will be horrible to separated from the family. In another, I'll be able to focus on work and I'll be able to do whatever I want on the weekends.  We've Already worked out some Skype plans and I'll be able to come home zbout once a month.  There's also Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring break.  We'll be OK.  Once we figured out how to handle the family situation, I was able to get excited about the job.  Now I'm thrilled!

Today we went to the Lincoln National Forest and did some hiking in the mountains.  We ate at a place called Big Daddy's Diner for pulled pork sandwich was great!  For dessert we had blackberry and peach cobbler.  I told the waitress we wanted cobbler ala mode and she didn't know whether it meant with ice cream or without.  Really?!

Anyway, tomorrow I have the change over which the guy I'm replacing and then we have practice in the afternoon.  I guess I have to write a speech at some point as well.

Let the fun begin!!!!