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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Grammar and Spelling- Good Lord!

OK- I just have to talk about this one because it is driving me crazy and it's getting worse by the week.

I cannot figure out why people these days can't seem to get the possessives and contractions correct.  There is a huge difference between your and you're, between it's and its, between there and their and between numerous other homonyms.  I think that's what they're called.  Hey! there's another one!

I see a lot of stuff written by a lot of smart people that gets this wrong all the time.  And I see my daughter do it on Facebook and emails (her typing is atrocious and she doesn't care, but typos are a different story.  These things are not typos.)  My husband does it on emails.  he says it's a typo, but it's not.  "Adn" is a typo.  I make it all the the time.  "To" instead of "too" is not usually a typo.  I see it on documents at work as well.  Another common one I see at work is the possessive apostrophe in the wrong place- "patient's" when it's plural and "patients' " is correct.

Are the schools not teaching this properly anymore?  Do people just not care?  When I see these kind of mistakes, I think it makes people look ignorant.  If you know what it's supposed to be, then do it right.  What is the world coming to?  Am I doomed to see this carelessness more and more and be driven even more crazy as the years pass?  Should I just let it go?  What?!?!

What is your pet grammar peeve?  I have WAY more than this one, but this is the one that has been driving me crazy lately.


Richard (Dad) said...

Leslie: when it come too homonym's I belief inn the "dont' ask, dont tale" theery! Their our tuns of peeple who knot only cant, spel butt have know idear aboot punctiality ? Yew will jest half two learn how too deal wiff it !!

Stay safe


Anonymous said...

BAHA! You make me laugh! I've gotten some Facebook posts and some emails about this topic. i think I am one of the last people to care.