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Friday, September 30, 2011


I asked for some feedback today from a highly placed person that I respect a lot.  I wanted to know what other people thought of me and if he had any feedback.  His personality is a lot like mine- he is very out there and says what he thinks.  But he has done pretty well for himself, so I figured I'd ask him how he made it work for him.

He told me that I have a very good reputation around that the Air Force and that I shouldn't change anything.  He also said that I do a good job letting my personality out at the right times and holding back at others, as appropriate.  And that's when I told him I treat it like my superpower.  I made a reference to Charlie in Fire Starter, but he didn't know what I was talking about, I think.  You know- the Steven King book.  It was the first one I ever read.  I was 9 and I couldn't believe that my parents let me read books with the F word in it! But I kept reading anyway, of course.  Anyhow, Charlie was 8 and she was able to create fire spontaneously.  But she was just a little kid and couldn't really control it.  She would get angry and fire would fly and she would set people on fire by accident.  As she got older, she learned to control it. Well, my superpower is Supercheerfulness and Superenergy.  But it has to be controlled or it can set people on fire and get me in a lot of trouble!  I let it out in controlled doses and with the right people.  Seems to be working so far!  And he liked the superpower analogy, even if he didn't seem to know who Charlie is.  Oh yeah....what feedback did he give me?  He said to make sure I have people who will tell me when I messed it up and stepped over the line.  He said he had a few of those and it helped a lot over the years.  And he volunteered to be one- awesome!  So I got a new mentor in the deal- cool!

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