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Sunday, April 11, 2010


I woke up yesterday with a headache at 0430.  At 0530 I finally had a plan for my day so I got up.  Went in to work, did my laundry, went to the 0645 church service at the hospital.  Then went to breakfast.  Figured I would go for a run even though I was feeling a bit worse- my head hurt a little, but my skin was sore and my muscles were achy.  About 5 steps into my run, I had a horrible pain in my rt calf.  Tried to run again- NOPE!  Not happenin'.  So went back and cleaned my room, feeling worse by the minute.  I took a 2 hour nap after that!  I did manage to eat a decent lunch because I wasn't miserable yet.  Then I went to the Post Office and then I went to a movie.  They were showing the Shining- the original Stanley Kubrik with Jack Nicholson.  holy Crap!  I forgot how scary that movie was!  I had though about going to the 0100 version, but I was too tired.  Good thing!  I would have been looking for Jack around every corner!

By then I was quite miserable.  I went back to work and wrote some letters home to my troops' parents and watched some of my TV shows on the DVD Jack sends me.  Then at 1700 I had to go get my computer set up.  So I went there and got it set up with my new (hopefully faster) internet service) and took another 1 hr nap.  Got up and walked slowly to the dining hall and got some oatmeal and cereal.  Then brought it back and ate some oatmeal, but I only got half way through before my stomach was killing me.  Finished the Amazing Race and went to bed at 8pm.  Tossed and turned all night feverish with my stomach hurting.  Thought about going to the ER- but it felt like cramps/gas, not surgical, so I figured no point.  At midnight I got a page and I sat up and I sweat was dripping off me like I had just finished a hard workout in the gym!  My jammies were soaked through.  But I felt a lot better and was able to sleep until the morning.

Now I am still hot, still have a headache.  But I think I feel well enough to go to some meetings.
Pray I get over this quick!


Mary Mercer said...

Sorry you are so sick. Hope you are feeling better by now. You must be miserable and having to go to meetings on top of everything must be tough.

By the way, would you mind if I send your blog page to my state senator. His office is two doors down from mine and his secretary and I have developed a good rapport. I think he would be interested in the real things that really gone from a personal point of view.

I will say a special prayer that you will feel better. I pray for your safety everyday.

I love you.

AFDr.Mom said...

this blog is public- I don't say anything I wouldn't want to have in public. Feel free to send it to him.