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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ground Rules for Blogging in the AOR

The AOR is the Area of Responsibility- that's what we call the deployed location.

As you can see from the previous one, most of my posts will be after-the-fact. I can't give travel info while I'm traveling. There are enemy ears out there who would love to shoot down an American plane full of military service members. You can't even call the airport (the "PAX terminal"- stands for passenger terminal) until the day of and find out the schedule.

I can't tell you how many people are stationed here, how many injured we get, how many air evac's (evacuations) we have. Anything that tells of troop movements ahead of time or announces our capabilities to the enemy- I can't tell you that. But I can tell you bits and pieces after it happens.

I've been here 5 days now and it's almost easy to forget we are in a war zone. But we are. There are people trying to get on the base all the time who want to kill us. We take care of patients in the hospital who would kill my doctors in a second if they could. But they give absolute 100% compassionate care that is completely equal to the care the Americans get. The wounded Afghans get a guardian who stays with them for the length of their recuperation- we feed the injured and their guardian 3 meals a day. I'll have a lot more to say about this topic in the future as I learn more, but I am already impressed at the professionalism of my people.

Suffice it to say that you will get a great flavor of life at Bagram Air Base, but I won't be telling you any numbers or stats that you can't get on the news. Hope you enjoy following this blog!


Hairpin said...

Don't tell me anything that can be tortured out of me. I am weak and would divulge everything at the first paper cut. Unless the torture was a tattoo, that I have a pain threshold for.

AFDr.Mom said...

Hairpin- you make me laugh!

Richard (Dad) said...

Leslie: this technology is killing me !!!!! Finally broke one of my cardinal rules & gave Google my email address so I could leave a comment - so now they not only have a picture of my house & know my phone number, but they have my email!

It appears that you are doing well & we will continue to hope & pray you stay that way. Stay safe. Glad to hear you got your switchblade knife back - it should help..


PS: It's not necessary to describe Jacks driving like a "demon" - we know Jack so we will always assume that "Demon" is the best he's doing !!