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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Traveling to Afghanistan- written 3-5-10 at 4:30PM

Wow. This travel thing has really tested my patience. I was TDY last week when I got word by email that my travel dates had been moved from late in the week to early in the week. So, I only had one duty day back before I had to go. I managed to get all my stuff packed up and finished out processing in time to go. James had wanted to go to the airport with me and we left a bit late, so I was really stressed that I would get to the airport too late. But Jack drove like a demon and we made it just fine. But the flight was cancelled! I knew I needed to get to Baltimore for the military flight out because there was not another flight for a week. Remember that- it becomes important later! They were able to get me on a flight through Philadelphia and on to Baltimore that would get me there just in time.

Have you ever had the experience of standing at the baggage carousel waiting for your bags, and seeing the crowd get thinner and thinner and then you are the only one standing there? And then the conveyor belt stops? If not, then good for you. Because that means that your bags are not on that flight. That’s what happened to me. All three of my bags and all two of another guy’s deployment bags were still in Philly and would not make it to Baltimore until the next day. By then, we would be on our way to Afghanistan. Great. I filed a claim and the lady said that they would put my bags on the next military flight- a week later. I told her I was very upset that my bags were lost. She replied,"they're not LOST, we KNOW where they are." I almost punched her in thes throat. Good thing I packed my “72 hour bag” and had it with me! Lesson to the wise- #1- pack a 1 week bag, not a 72 hr bag. #2- put feminine supplies (a woman can never predict what stress will do to her body!), a PT uniform and an extra T-shirt in the bag next time! Other than that, I have everything I need for awhile.

I make it to the military flight just in time to board. That flight went very smoothly. I had expected to stop in Manas Air Base, Kyrgyzstan next. But we stopped at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. I had about 10 minutes to visit the USO and grab some "supplies" (God bless the USO ladies!) and then we were off again. I had expected to stop in Manas Air Base, Krygistan next. But we stopped at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey. I had expected to stop in Manas Air Base, Kyrgyzstan next. And we did. We landed in the early AM, got a bunch of briefings and then I got the key to my room and some linens. I was able to buy a small microfiber towel that is kind of like a chamois- it works great. I could have bought a PT uniform, but I had no shoes to go with it, so that was kind of pointless. My plan is to borrow a set when I get to Bagram and my Squadron. And a uniform T-shirt. The one I’m wearing will start to smell funny soon.

So far, I’m not sure where my bags are. I tried to call the facility in Baltimore, but they’re closed now. I’ll try later. The US Airways lady told me they’d send my bags to the military facility. The military facility told me they’d put them on the next military flight next week (remember that from the beginning of the saga?). The people here at Manas told me it happens that way some times and other times they end up on a commercial flight and end up in the commercial airport here in Krygyzstan and then they call the base because they recognize the bags as American and the Americans MUST know what to do with them. And they do. So we’ll just have to see.

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